Election Compass: Your Guide to Informed Voting in the Slovak general election 2023

In a time where the political landscape is constantly evolving and expanding, having access to reliable and unbiased resources is key. The Volebný Kompas or Election Compass, stands as a beacon of impartiality and clarity amidst the bustling political arena of Slovakia. Developed jointly by the Institute for Democracy at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica and the Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence, this tool is designed to assist citizens in making informed decisions in the upcoming 2023 Slovak parliamentary elections.

After only two days Volebný kompas has attracted more than 81 000 visitors and massive media interest. Volebný kompas is free and available in Slovak, Hungarian, and English, you can try it out at volebnykompas.umb.sk